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don’t cry before you are hurt
勿杞人忧天  detail>>
cry [cry out] before one is hurt
未痛先叫  detail>>
don‘want you to cry
不想让你哭  detail>>
don t wanna see you cry
怕你为自己流泪  detail>>
i know i hurt you and i made you cry
我知道我伤害了你,我曾让你流泪  detail>>
i don’t want to see you cry
我不想要看见你哭  detail>>
don t cry
哭到天亮  detail>>
don t cry joni
别哭琼妮  detail>>
don`t cry john
别哭,强尼  detail>>
don`t cry original
别哭  detail>>
don’t be such a cry baby
抱怨没完没了的人  detail>>
don’t cry for me,argentina
不要为我哭泣  detail>>
don’t cry please
请别哭  detail>>
don’t cry stinking fish
别先屈服 祸未临头 受伤前先别哭  detail>>
girl, don’t cry
女孩别哭  detail>>
i don’t cry
我不哭泣  detail>>
my friend, don’t cry
朋友别哭  detail>>
natives don’t cry
亨利小姐的信  detail>>